Silhouette Shades
  1. Regularly dust the Silhouette Shades with a feather duster or a vacuum cleaner set to its lowest setting for effective maintenance.
  2. To tackle ingrained dirt and most stains, immerse the shade in a bath of water containing mild, non-synthetic soap powder. Exercise caution to keep the headrail dry. Afterward, rinse the shade thoroughly with clean water and allow it to air dry in the fully lowered position with the vanes closed. Avoid ironing the Silhouette Shades.
  3. Professional cleaners equipped with ultrasound technology can also clean the Silhouette Shades, except for those made with the ‘Bon Soir’ fabric. For guidance on cleaning this fabric, please consult your supplier. These cleaning recommendations have been meticulously assembled, yet we cannot assume responsibility for the outcomes of the cleaning process.